Auditing the candidate experience can improve hiring and retention. Here is a 5-step audit that can take surprises out of a hiring process.
Strategy and Planning
These posts focus on strategy and planning as part of business leadership and management.
Put Together Your Career Mixtape – hr bartender
When career planning, be prepared for change. A career mixtape can include things to keep you focused on achieving changing goals.
Employee Training Is an Essential Business Activity – hr bartender
Employee training is essential for business success. Cuts in training budgets may be needed but consider the impact on the management team.
The 4 Key Elements of An Effective Recruiting Strategy
Smart businesses are always recruiting. An effective recruiting strategy has 4 key elements. Artificial intelligence and bots are part of it.
What You Know is Not as Important as How You Think – hr bartender
Analytics and critical thinking are important to HR. How we think matters – that is the message from astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson.
Organizations: Be Sure to Have a 2023 COVID Plan
We can all see that COVID is not just going away. Smart employers have a plan for when their workers get sick. Because they will.
HR: Know Immediately When Employment Laws Change
Employment laws change frequently and HR needs to keep compliant. Now we can get notifications whenever they change so we can plan quickly.