Comments for hr bartender WORK RESPONSIBLY Sun, 14 Jan 2024 20:35:26 +0000 hourly 1 Comment on Proven Processes Lead to Good Organizational Outcomes by Justin Rigsby Sun, 14 Jan 2024 20:35:26 +0000 The author makes several important points on simplifying organizational procedures, stressing specific value propositions, and actively teaching HR to create value in the face of change. Before jumping to solutions, the author underlined the need of established processes and careful assessment, as well as providing examples, such as the consulting story, of when following a procedure resulted in a superior end result. The author also wishes to empower businesses to identify and focus on being better prepared, as well as to make your organization unique. This differentiation is important for acquiring a competitive advantage. The idea is to provide useful suggestions linked to procedures, organizing and different measures that provide companies and managers with practical direction in critical areas such as strategy, ROI, recruiting, and goals, among others. Additional real-life examples and successful next steps, on the other hand, could serve to improve the concepts. For example, the author’s example demonstrates why procedure is important, but how should they train employees on successful management? The author also warns against ineffective ranking systems, even when alternative methods of evaluation might be preferable.

Comment on 3 Employee Groups with Unique Labor Law Posting Requirements by Maria Bernal Mon, 04 Dec 2023 18:27:53 +0000 Interesting information that I just read and things I didn’t know on searching for a job with out stressing.

Comment on SMARTIE Goals Will Produce Better Organizational Outcomes by Sharlyn Lauby Sat, 25 Nov 2023 17:43:46 +0000 In reply to Emmanuel Okogbe.

Thanks for the comment!

Comment on SMARTIE Goals Will Produce Better Organizational Outcomes by Emmanuel Okogbe Sat, 25 Nov 2023 17:31:54 +0000 I like the addition of the “IE” in the SMART goal. This shows that goal setting has a human value attached to it. It is the inclusiveness and equitability that makes the goal achievable for an organization.
Good writeup.

Comment on SMARTIE Goals Will Produce Better Organizational Outcomes by Emily Thu, 09 Nov 2023 11:42:37 +0000 SMARTIE goals give a fresh twist to SMART with inclusivity and equity. Are we inviting the right voices into our goal discussions? Sharlyn Lauby’s approach at the SHRM Inclusion conference sparks curiosity about involving diverse perspectives. How can we ensure everyone feels not just welcome but truly heard in the goal-setting process? Food for thought!

Comment on Knowing What Introvert and Extrovert Mean – hr bartender by Sharlyn Lauby Tue, 17 Oct 2023 18:03:01 +0000 In reply to Brendan Hickey.

Hi Brendan. Thanks for the comment.

I agree that one of the challenges with this conversation is oversimplifying the terms. Your example of “talking” and “not talking” is spot on.

My goal in today’s article wasn’t to review the MBTI. I have nothing against the MBTI, but it does suffer from the same oversimplifying challenges. My goal was to say that everyone has introvert and extrovert qualities. We need to remember that from a personal standpoint as well as an organizational one.

Comment on Knowing What Introvert and Extrovert Mean – hr bartender by Brendan Hickey Tue, 17 Oct 2023 12:24:52 +0000 Thanks for taking the time on this.

One of the other common misunderstandings of these terms is to oversimplify them as “talking” and “not talking.” Introverts talk – my goodness, do we talk – in paragraphs and pages – when we know the rules of the environment and feel safe. I readily make small talk in convenience stores, but to me, sincere as it is, that’s nothing. If it doesn’t go well, it means nothing to me. I’m not showing you anything important.

As for the rest of the continua on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (Thinking-Feeling, Perceiving-Judging, and Intuiting-Sensing), these are just defaults or comfort zones. A healthy personality can adapt to the needs of the situation. As an Introvert, I can attend a conference and meet a lot of people and be social and effective – but – when I get home, I need quiet for awhile. I need to sit on the sofa with my computer or my books or my favorite heartbeats and recharge. Was I talking, a lot? Sure. Not an Extrovert, though.

Finishing with your point about Extroversion being necessary for success, Introverts hear that a lot and we should be clear that 25% to 40% of Americans are introverts, so this is hardly a disability. Most actors are introverts, and that makes sense to anyone who has done any acting. Psychologists (like me), clergy, and many other professionals are often introverted. I worked in sales awhile and it was hard for me and clearly not the best place for me to work, so I left. I was good at it, and I didn’t fail, but it exhausted me.
